Terry Valley Development entrance sign
Terry Valley Development entrance sign

Terry Valley Landowners Association
Terry Valley Road District
Terry Valley - Trojan Water Project District

The Terry Valley Landowners Association's purpose is to insure and promote the best interests of all property owners within the associtions boundaries.

Landowners Assoc. Documents
Annual Meeting Minutes
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It became desirable for the residents and property owners within the Terry Valley Development to go through the process and form the Terry Valley Road District for the purpose of road maintenance.

Meeting Agenda for 01-27-25
Road District. Documents
Annual Meeting Minutes
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The Terry Valley Trojan Water Project District is for the purpose of sponsoring and implementing water projects for the conservation, storage, distribution, and utilization of water and for the prudent management of water resources.

Annual Drinking Water Report
Water District Documents
Meeting Minutes
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Landowners Association

The Terry Valley Landowners Association's purpose is to insure and promote the best interests of all property owners within the associtaions boundaries. This is done within the parameters of The By-Laws of the Terry Valley Landowners Association. The parameters also includes the Convenants for Tract A and Tract C of the Lost Camp Acreage recorded with the Office of Register of Deeds, State of South Dakota, County of Lawrence.

Road District

It became desirable for the residents and property owners within the Terry Valley Development to go through the process and form the Terry Valley Road District for the purpose of road maintenance. The formation of this road district was approved by the Lawrence County Commision and ratified by a majority of elegible voters within the proposed road district boundaries. The road district operates in accordance with South Dakota statutes.

Water Project Distict

The Terry Valley Trojan Water Project District and other water project districts are for the purpose of sponsoring and implementing water projects for the conservation, storage, distribution, and utilization of water and for the prudent management of water resources. The Terry Valley Trojan Water Project District operates in accordance with South Dakota statutes.

Landowners Assoc

Road District

Water Project District

The Terry Valley Landowners Association's purpose is to insure and promote the best interests of all property owners within the associtaions boundaries. This is done within the parameters of The By-Laws of the Terry Valley Landowners Association. The parameters also includes the Convenants for Tract A and Tract C of the Lost Camp Acreage recorded with the Office of Register of Deeds, State of South Dakota, County of Lawrence.

It became desirable for the residents and property owners within the Terry Valley Development to go through the process and form the Terry Valley Road District for the purpose of road maintenance. The formation of this road district was approved by the Lawrence County Commision and ratified by a majority of elegible voters within the proposed road district boundaries. The road district operates in accordance with South Dakota statutes.

The Terry Valley Trojan Water Project District and other water project districts are for the purpose of sponsoring and implementing water projects for the conservation, storage, distribution, and utilization of water and for the prudent management of water resources. The Terry Valley Trojan Water Project District operates in accordance with South Dakota statutes.

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